C3 Systems ▷ Glass Curtain - Glazing systems - Bioclimatic PergolaC3 Systems ▷ Glass Curtain - Glazing systems - Bioclimatic Pergola
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If you are a professional working in the field of glass enclosures and bioclimatic pergolas and if you want to receive more detailed information about our products and sales conditions, you can contact us directly by
or email.
1. C3 Systems manufactures a wide range of products but doesn’t deal with their installation. For this reason by filling this form you authorize C3 Systems to forward your details to a distributor/installing company in your area which will then deal with your assistance request related to our products.
2. The only responsible for the assistance and resolution of the issues related to the products made by C3 Systems will be the distributor/installing company, independently from what caused the issues.
3. The warranty for the products that have been installed or replaced is the one given by the distributor/installing company from the moment the assistance is concluded.