If you are a professional working in the field of glass enclosures and bioclimatic pergolas and if you want to receive more detailed information about our products and sales conditions, you can contact us directly by phone or email.

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C3 SystemS, S.L. is a company founded with the main objective of developing, manufacturing and marketing vertical and horizontal glass enclosure systems, bioclimatic aluminum pergola systems, and solar protection elements.

Innovation and Quality

INNOVATION AND QUALITY is achieved by focusing on investigation, development and production goals as we are always looking for improving our products and offering better solutions to our clients in glass enclosing and sun protecting systems.


Our Vision



All the components of our systems are designed by our engineers and manufactured under strict quality controls in our central facilities.


We are investing in a highly prepared engineering team for a product improvement, development and implementation.


We offer sales and technical training for our products, as well as installation and measurement courses for our distributors.



We have a very active sales team covering all the regions in Spain, together with extensive distribution network with over certify 1000 distributors.


We are directly exporting to over 30 countries all around the world, with authorized distributer in 5 different continents.


Come and visit our showroom where you can see all our products together with sales and marketing material.



We have a clear goal of providing high-quality products together with latest innovations and all the needed certificates.


The systems are entirely manufactured in Spain. All components are designed by our own engineering team and manufactured under the most strict quality controls.


Seeglass is a registered trademark and patented by C3 Systems S.L. The only official manufacturer of the Seeglass brand


Seeglass has CE marking. We identify our products, incorporate tests, and endorse the certification processes.



Glasses used for our systems have CE marking for high resistance safty temepering glass with polished edges and mechanical fastening systems to profiles.


Seeglass meets the international standards of Qualanod, Qualideco and Qualicoat in all processes of surface treatment of the lacquer.


Seeglass is a high quality frameless glazing system. This allows to offer up to 15 years guarantee.

Consult all the information about the guarantees in the manual of general guarantees or request the information from your distributor *



We are an Innovative SME

We are the only company in our filed that has the official seal of Innovative SME, granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness by the Government of Spain.


Professional Manufacturing


Quality first

C3 Systems is based on strict external and internal quality controls, requiring all quality assurance providers and collaborators such as records, certificates and trials of production and management processes.


National Distribution


We are present everywhere in Spain

As a national manufacturer and thanks to our large network of professional distributors and installers, our products are present all over the national territory reaching out with our enclosing systems to all areas in Spain.

International Distribution


We are present in more than 30 countries

Thanks to our international distributors and to our international certifications, our products are present in more than 30 countries, operating in main international markets.


Opinion of our distributors


Our Professionals

From C3 Systems we seek to give a constant and direct support to all our official distributors.

In this way the installation of the systems is done optimally and quickly.


Our commitment with the Environment


C3 Systems special commitment is to care for the environment. Our technicians are in charge of research and development of new techniques for production systems that respect the environment.
The company has a Waste Management System that controls and minimizes the production of waste and evaluates other sustainable systems.

All new systems are revised by authorized managers who develop and evaluate new plans for prevention and waste reduction.
Our company's short-term objective is the establishment of an environmental management system under ISO 14001.




The headquarters of C3 Systems is located in the new business park of CREVILLENTE (Alicante) where we have modern facilities and cutting-edge machinery for manufacturing, production, management, logistics and quality control of all our products.

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