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C3 SystemS 1st Coexistence


C3 SystemS 1st Coexistence

On Saturday 27th June took place the C3 SYSTEMS 1st COEXISTENCE to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the foundation of the company. 

The event took place at "Finca La Veleta" in Torrellano (Alicante) during the whole Saturday where C3 SystemS workers and relatives attended. 

Since 10am in the morning and under a blistering sun, the attendees enjoyed a delicious meal  giving a touch of joy to this important day for the C3 family. To withstand the suffocating heat everybody took a bath to keep cool. 

At lunchtime, and as main course we enjoyed a delicious paella firewood made. 

In addition to the activities specially thought for children such as inflatable games and other activities, the expected Couple Football table game was held. The winners of this 1st edition were 1st Mario and Wife and 2nd Juan and Son who were granted with a stay of 3 Spa&Relax days and a ham respectively. 

C3 SystemS thanks all workers, relatives and friends who participated in this emotive and beautiful day. 


C3 SystemS
The Open View Company!!!

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