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Success in VETECO 2012


Success in VETECO 2012

C3 SYSTEMS ha estado presente en la feria bienal de la Ventana y el Cerramiento Acristalado, VETECO 2012 en su 14ª edición. La feria ha tenido lugar en el recinto Ferial Juan Carlos I, de Madrid, durante los días comprendidos entre el 8 al 11 de Mayo.

In this particular event C3 SYSTEMS presented new INNOVATIONS to the existing system SEEGLASS-ONE and also the inauguration of the latest system SEEGLASS-ECO capturing the attention of National and International professionals in the glazing industry. C3 SYSTEMS also presented interior vertical blinds which have been designed to integrate with the glass curtains, innovative design horizontal pleated mosquito net system and other PATENTED improvements valid for already established systems.

Thanks to our person friendly stand and our very human approach, VETECO 2012 was a tremendous success for C3 SYSTEMS. The team at C3 SYSTEMS would like to thank you for your visit to our stand and interest shown. We hope that our products and our service will be of interest to you in the near future.

It just remains to thank all members of C3 SYSTEMS, CUSTOMERS, SUPPLIERS AND FRIENDS, as well all people who visited us.


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