New catalogue SeeGlass
Newly grouped catalogue including 3 systems in 1: Max - One - Eco+:
C3 Systems has combined together 3 of our sliding and folding frameless glazing systems into one catalogue, so all the updated information and innovations about seeglass-Max, seeglass-One and Seeglass Eco+ can be found in just one catalogue.
With our new catalogue you will be able to offer to your clients all the information of 3 systems carrying the weight on the upper profile in just one catalogue. This catalogue will include lot of images and technical details of all 3 systems.
In “Common Options” you can find our latest innovations designed by C3 Systems’ ID department in order to improve our systems.
- Continuously used door (Main Door): specially designed for public places such as restaurants, shops and offices.
- Auxiliary condensation profile: designed for evacuate water caused from condensation due to the temperature difference to the outside.
- Bracket Kit: allows the installation of lower profile on the side in cases where the installation is impossible on the top of the wall or balustrade.
- Opening Panel Blocking Kit: an elegant and precise way of keeping panels together when the system is opened.
- New Opening Devices: Metallic Opening Device (cable or rod), and new Seeglass Knob (simple or double).
- Seeglass Lower Knob Lock: adds an extra locking point to the opening panel.