Interview with the responsibles for C3 SystemS in the Journal La Razón and Cinco Días
On Monday 20th April 2015, an interview with the responsibles for C3 Systems Mr. José Fernando Sánchez and David Plata was published in the Journal “La Razón” and “Cinco Días”. This interview was also published in the Journal “El Economista” on 27th April 2015.
In the supplement on "Business Excellence" of said newspapers, the founding members answered a series of questions about the origins, structure and future plans of the company, type of customers and markets where they are present, as well as seeglass differentiator elements compared with already existed in the market.
Along with this article, several examples of installations in different arrangements and configurations were attached. And also, one of the last knobs developed by the R+D department of C3 SystemS was showed.
To view the full story, click on the following link:
The open view Company!!!