If you are a professional working in the field of glass enclosures and bioclimatic pergolas and if you want to receive more detailed information about our products and sales conditions, you can contact us directly by phone or email.

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Reasons to choose a frameless glazing system

  26/10/2018   0Comments

Elegir Cortina de Cristal

It is common to find home and business areas that because of their location do not end up taking full advantage, or that time only allows to use them during a certain time of the year. In order to resolve this situation, in recent years a new type of product has proliferated: frameless glazing systems.


Advantages of glass balustrades

  24/09/2018   0Comments

glass balustrades

Glass railings are protection systems that, in addition to be a safety barrier, are a decorative element to be considered for their features and design.

Their main characteristic is resistance, which makes them ideal ...

C3 SystemS will present its new sun protection systems in VETECO 2018

  03/09/2018   0Comments

Veteco 2018 - Bioclimatic Pérgola

C3 SystemS would like to keep sharing ideas and effective solutions to the building sector, and therefore, it will announce a series of updates and changes about its products, this time focused on the sun protection range.

C3 SystemS acquires new facilities as productive and logistic center

  06/07/2018   0Comments

Cambio de sede C3 Systems

The new facilities, wider than 6,000 m², are located on Calle Narciso Monturiol, in the Business Park of Elche.

This change will be effective as from September 3 and will affect the warehouse, production and logistics. The other departments will remain in the same place until further notice.



Summer Holidays

  27/06/2018   0Comments

Vacaciones de Verano 2018

We would like to inform you that our facilities will be closed during Summer Holidays from:

August 1st to 26th
(both included)

Installation of our Bioclimatic Pergola - Ideal to Expand Spaces

  31/05/2018   0Comments

Pergola Bioclimática - Antes y después

The bioclimatic pergolas Seesky Bio are a fantastic addition to any home. By having a system of intelligent adjustable slats allow to ...

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