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C3 Systems will attend FIT SHOW in Birmingham to show our new products

  15/05/2019   0Comments

Fit Show 2019

The new edition of FIT SHOW, one of the best events for the window, door, flat glass, and components market, is just around the corner. It will take place from May 21st until the 23rd in Birmingham..

Reto solidario - Donación de sangre

  30/04/2019   0Comments

Dona Vida

Para continuar celebrando el 10º aniversario de C3 Systems, la empresa se propuso participar en un reto solidario que consistió en donar sangre para que los profesionales de los servicios de salud puedan tratar enfermos que necesitan ser transfundidos.

C3 Systems | VIII Traditional Stroll San Pascual-Orito

  23/04/2019   0Comments

C3 Systems is proud to sponsor the VIII Traditional Stroll San Pascual-Orito of the Barraca Los Yeperos.

C3 Systems Open Day

  15/04/2019   0Comments

Jornada de Puertas Abiertas

On the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of C3 Systems, last month took place the event of Open Day for employees.

Easter Holidays

  12/04/2019   0Comments

Semana Santa 2019

We will be closed from Apri 19 to 22 (both included).

European Prize for Management and Business Innovation 2019

  26/03/2019   0Comments

President of the European Association of Economy and Competitiveness has awarded the European Prize for Management and Business Innovation to C3 Systems, in ...

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