If you are a professional working in the field of glass enclosures and bioclimatic pergolas and if you want to receive more detailed information about our products and sales conditions, you can contact us directly by phone or email.

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Introducing the new C3 Systems B2B

  08/08/2019   0Comments

 The new C3 Systems B2B

Summer holidays 2019

  22/07/2019   0Comments

Vacaciones de Verano 2019

We’ll remain closed from the august 15th to the 30th (both included).

C3 Systems’ Retreat Day

  20/06/2019   0Comments

Día de Convivencia de C3 Systems

The staff of C3 Systems enjoyed a day of food, games, swimming pool, and sun to keep celebrating the 10º anniversary.

Drawing contest from C3 Systems’ Open Day

  11/06/2019   0Comments

Drawing contest

A drawing contest took place where the children of C3 Systems’ staff had to draw what they most liked about the company. The final results are worth sharing.

Our export team's experience in FIT SHOW

  29/05/2019   0Comments

Fit Show 2019

Three days with no rest in one of best international trade shows of windows, door, glass and other related components market.

C3 Systems in Birmingham's FIT SHOW

  22/05/2019   0Comments

Fit Show 2019

Our export team is currently in Birmingham's FIT SHOW, event of worldwide renown for the window market.

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