If you are a professional working in the field of glass enclosures and bioclimatic pergolas and if you want to receive more detailed information about our products and sales conditions, you can contact us directly by phone or email.

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SEEGLASS-RUN - Nuevo sistema cerramiento sin perfiles verticales

  23/02/2014   0Comments

Seeglass-run es el nuevo sistema de cerramiento acristalado de hojas correderas sin perfiles verticales de C3 SystemS que le ofrece la posibilidad de desplazar paralelamente y de forma horizontal cada una de las hojas hacia un lado o ambos. Cuando abrimos o cerramos el primer panel, el resto de las hojas se abren y se cierran automáticamente gracias a los topes de arrastre que este sistema lleva integrados.

Last pictures of 2013

  30/12/2013   0Comments

Before the end of 2013 we would like to share pictures of some of our distributors.


Training course in GTD for employees of C3 SystemS

  10/12/2013   0Comments

By means of the Company AliCoach C3 SystemS has received training about “Attitudes and Tools to optimize Individual Management and Productivity”.

C3 SystemS ~ MEXICO AMEVEC 2013

  18/11/2013   0Comments

C3 SystemS has participated in the second International Window and Glass Enclosure Exhibition AMEVEC 2014.

New Seeglass-run

  22/10/2013   0Comments

Seeglass-run is the new enclosure system of sliding glass panes with no vertical profiles of C3 SystemS. It offers you the possibility to move the panes parallel and horizontally to one side or both. When open or close the first pane, the rest of the panes automatically open and close due to dragging block system. 

Commercial Animation 2013

  27/09/2013   0Comments

Animation depicting the steps and the time since you decide to contact with our distributors, until the installation is performed.

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