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Seeglass: tempered glass features

  24/07/2014   0Comments

Vidrio templado

The best solution for frameless glazing systems is TEMPERED GLASS, which gives the safety and the security typical of those products with the highest quality and durability. 

Tempered glass is obtained by a process whereby the natural resistasnce of glass is increased by applying heat.

Holidays 2014

  17/07/2014   0Comments

Banner vacaciones

We inform all our customers that our facilities will be closed on Summer Holidays from 13th to 29th August (both included). 

Until then, we are available for you at our regular office hours to attend any request or doubt you may have, you can contact your commercial agent or even reach us through our website: 

12 Reasons to buy a frameless glazing system Seeglass

  03/07/2014   0Comments

Here are the main reasons why our seeglas frameless glazing products are better than many others from competition. No doubt that seeglass is at the forefront of frameless enclosures.

There are 12 reasons why to choose a seeglass:

Safety glass balustrade seeglass Pro

  16/06/2014   0Comments

seeglass PRO is the protection balustrade with safety glass that best fits the current regulation, without the building design being affected.

The innovative design of the Safety Glass Balustrade seeglass PRO is specifically based on the use of glass as the main raw material for manufacturing. 

Últimos cerramientos de terrazas y porches: seeglass & habitat

  06/06/2014   0Comments

Our distributors continue expanding spaces with our frameless glazing systems seeglass especially designed for terraces and porches and its complements habitat .

Look at these beatiful pictures of some frameless glazing systems installed in terraces and check how good the finish is. 


  29/05/2014   0Comments

C3 SystemS presents its new corporate website with a new design adapted for mobile devices in order for you to visit us from your Smartphone or Tablet.

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