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Seeglass Run - Demo video

  23/10/2014   0Comments

C3 SystemS presents the third product demo video in order to reach their customers in a more didactic and visual way full of details.
In this occasion we present the SEEGLASS RUN,  the glass sliding enclosure system without vertical profiles that offers you the possibility of moving in parallel.

Seeglass One - Demo video

  10/10/2014   0Comments

C3 SystemS presents the new series of their products demo videos in order to reach their customers in a more didactic and visually way, full of details. 
First we have the  SEEGLASS ONE, the glass enclosure without vertical profiles, preferred by the experts from the industry. 

seeglass ONE vs seeglass RUN

  23/09/2014   0Comments

Sometimes, some of our customers have asked us whether it is preferable to install a seeglass ONE glazing enclosure or a seeglass RUN. The right answer is: it depends.

It depends on where the enclosure is going to be installed, depends on the price, on the sliding type of panes, on the packaging of glass panes and other factors we are analyzing in this text.

Indoors Sliding Glazing Systems - Seeglass LUX

  16/09/2014   0Comments

seeglass-LUX is a sliding glass panel system exclusively designed for indoors areas. Like the other seeglass products, it is composed of sliding glass panels without vertical profiles. You can divide big spaces without loosing lightness. 

With seeglass-LUX for indoor areas you can...

Photo contest:“Because you like creating spaces...

  07/08/2014   0Comments

C3SystemS calls the first photo contest based on the slogan "Because you like creating spaces..."

With this photo contest we want to distinguish those home still-life for seeglass frameless glazing systems and Habitat complements pictures that not only show the quality of the product but also provide a creative and artistic value.

Chat with us and clear up your doubts quickly

  04/08/2014   0Comments

Zopim C3systems

C3 SystemS has recently built on its web site the innovative application Zopim, where you can contact our professionals directly and clear up your doubts. 

C3 SystemS, due to the ongoing effort to improve our customers service, decided to take the advantage of new communication technologies via chat,(...)

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