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Christmas in Solidarity at C3 SystemS

  17/12/2014   0Comments

This Christmas, C3 SystemS has decided to donate to Doctors Without Borders the amount for Christmas gifts. This gesture of solidarity from C3 SystemS will save the lifes of many people especially  children who die every year due to the lack of vaccination.

We are happy to share with you this decision ...



C3 SystemS organizes training sessions of PREMIUM CUSTOMER CARE for its employees

  11/12/2014   0Comments

C3 SystemS has attended a new training course of "PREMIUM CUSTOMER CARE" by the company Alicoach. The course was held on 28th November in the new showroom of  C3 SystemS.

The head of the company Alicoach, Mr. Nacho Plans, has been responsible of delivering the training course to primary responsible for Administration, Production and Sales Department... 

Participación en la Feria de París - Equip Baie

  02/12/2014   0Comments

C3 SYSTEMS has been present in the SALON FOR WINDOWS, DOORS, BLINDS AND SUN PROTECTION hand in hand with our distributor in France,  GLASS SYSTEMS. The show took place in PARIS during the 18th and 21st November. 

This biennal fair is the most important of the enclosure sector in FRANCE with a large number of exhibitors, conferences, trade press and visitors. 

Seeglass Lux - Demo video

  19/11/2014   0Comments

C3 SystemS presents the fifth product demo video, in order to reach their customers in a more didactic and visual way, full of details. 
In this occasion we present SEEGLASS LUX,  the frameless glazing sliding system for indoors. With an attractive, elegant and minimalist design ...

Seeglass Pro - Demo video

  12/11/2014   0Comments

C3 SystemS presents the fourth product demo video in order to reach their customers in more didactic and visual way,  full of details. 

In this occasion we present SEEGLASS PRO, the safety glass balustrade that best fits the current regulation without the building desing being affected. 

Cumpliendo con la normativa de LACADOS y ANODIZADOS

  06/11/2014   0Comments


Our objective is to inform the consumer that many companies are failing in the current aluminum lacquered regulations, representing an injustice....

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