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Photo Contest: begins the deliberations

  12/03/2015   0Comments

We would like our customers that the deadline for the submission of registrations to the I PHOTO CONTEST: BECAUSE WE LOVE EXPANDING SPACES has passed.

An expert jury has begun to assess all the photos received. In the coming weeks the winners will be decided. 

Seeglass opening devices

  03/03/2015   0Comments

seeglass products have a variety of opening devices depending on the customer tastes and the characteristics of the enclosure. 

These are the main opening drive systems: mini metal opening devide with cord or rod, simple opening ring, cranck lock, knob lock, ... 

The comfortable warmth - Infrared heating systems Habitat-Hot

  24/02/2015   0Comments

C3 Systems is pleased to present its new product: infrared heating systems for outdoor terraces habitat-HOT.

Infrared are a natural radiation that is almost a 50% of the total radiation spectrum of the sun. If the infrared radiation penetrates our skin, it triggers a pleasant ...

Because more and more professionals choose Seeglass Eco

  11/02/2015   0Comments

The sliding-turnable seeglass-eco systems are frameless glazing enclosures of high quality that create a pleasant wellness, while increasing the value of your properties. According to architectural requirements or customer preferences, panes can be opened to one side or the other, and when all panes are opened from indoors...

Habitat-Sun: ideal complement for frameless glazing systems

  03/02/2015   0Comments

Once the frameless glazing system is installed, we recommend the installation of the sun protection system habitat-sun to complete your enclosure. These modern pleated and venetian blinds offer solution for any type of glass curtain as they adapt to each pane without preventing the system functionality.

Seeglass One enclosure with snow

  14/01/2015   0Comments

Although it is winter time, it is cold and the days are shorter, this season also brings positive aspects like snow. In fact, a few days ago, an Italian customer sent us these beautiful images of a seeglass ONE with snow.

In the picture, we can see a restaurant in the Apennines near Modena, where the establishment has gained space after the installation of a seeglass ONE enclosure...


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