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New corporate video of C3 SystemS

  30/06/2015   0Comments

C3 Systems video corporativo

C3 SystemS presents its new corporate video to get even closer to its customers. 

In the video you will see C3 systems facilities, from the workshop where profiles are mechined ...

NOVELTY: New sealing gasket with magnet for enclosures of 90º angle shape

  03/06/2015   0Comments

We would like to inform our customers that from 1st June 2015 on, all orders in production will include the new magnet sealing gasket for enclosures of 90º angle shape.

This new magnet sealing gasket will be applied to our systems: seeglass-MAX, seeglass-ONE y seeglass-ECO.

The advantages of glazing without profiles for your balcony. May 5 article in the newspaper Information

  11/05/2015   0Comments

On Tuesday 5th May an article concerning the advantages of installing an enclosure without vertical profiles was published in the Journal Información.  

In the article, it was also mentioned about the history of C3 SystemS ... 


Interview with the responsibles for C3 SystemS in the Journal La Razón and Cinco Días

  29/04/2015   0Comments

On Monday 20th April 2015, an interview with the responsibles for C3 Systems Mr. José Fernando Sánchez and David Plata was published in the Journal “La Razón” and “Cinco Días”. This interview was also published in the Journal “El Economista” on 27th April 2015.  

New interior space gained to the house. March 29 article in the Journal Information

  14/04/2015   0Comments

On Sunday 29th March was published an article in the Diario Información concerning seeglass enclosures.

In House Section it was argued the benefits of installing the glass enclosure  ... 

Example of possible configurations: polygonal enclosure

  31/03/2015   0Comments

Seeglass enclosures without vertical profiles allows you to slide the glass panes whichever way you like. Openings can be internal or external and fixed panes can be easily cleaned.

In these pictures, you can appreciate some polygonal enclosures ...

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