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Adjustable windscreen: Habitat AIR

  13/01/2017   0Comments

Our adjustable windscreen, Habitat AIR is a perfect solution for enclosing terraces in restaurants, hotels, as well as for enclosing residential outdoor areas. 

C3 Systems once again collaborates during Christmas to help less fortunate ones

  16/12/2016   0Comments

Our compromise helping less fortunate people continues another year, as C3 Systems collaborates once again with Doctors Without Borders, making a donation for Christmas gifts. This year donation is destined to Serbian refugee camps.

Find out if Seeglass Run is the right system for you

  29/11/2016   0Comments

If you are one of those people who prefer a simple and classical sliding system for enclosing your terrace, living room or porch, this is the product you are looking for. 

Seeglass RUN is one of few glass enclosing sliding systems without vertical profiles available at the market.

Our Seeglass systems adapt to any surface

  15/11/2016   0Comments

Enjoy your frameless glass enclosure without losing the design in arches on your porch or terrace.

Our Seeglass systems adapt to any surface, improving the view of the arches of your home...

Another successful fair for C3 Systems during VETECO 2016

  07/11/2016   0Comments

Another successful fair for C3 Systems during VETECO 2016

C3 Systems has been consolidated one more year as a European leading supplier for frameless glazing system and other glass systems.
At our stand 8C11, we have received over 1000 registered visits.

Jornadas de formación para los empleados de C3 SystemS

  26/10/2016   0Comments

Durante este mes de octubre, el personal administrativo y comercial de C3 SystemS han realizado varias jornadas de formación, ...

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