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The comfortable warmth - Infrared heating systems Habitat-Hot


The comfortable warmth - Infrared heating systems Habitat-Hot

C3 Systems is pleased to present its new product: infrared heating systems for outdoor terraces habitat-HOT

Infrared are natural raditation that is almost 50% of the total radiation spectrum of the sun. If the infrarred radiation penetrates our skin, it triggers a pleasant thermal comfort. Therefore, it is also called thermal radiation, without  the daily dose of infrared sun, there would be no life on earth. Due to its wavelength, the infrared radiation of shortwaves  penetrates properly, especially in the air, regardless its temperature. So it is understood, why in winter, even though the outside temperature is relatively low, feeling the sun is a pleasant warmth. In this case, habitat-HOT heaters, combine both infrared and shortwave halogen with sophisticated technology. The result is a highly efficient heating technology, which is suitable for the outdoor area. 

Infrared heaters habitat-HOT are available in white, anthracite and titanium finishes.

These heaters have an elegant and modern design and you can find two varieties: with cable or remote control. 

Infrared heaters habitat-HOT are very lightweigth and have a power of 2000 W and a heated area of up to 16 m2.

In the following comparative, it is clearly proved the efficiency and ecology of the infrared heaters habitat-HOT. Precisamente en áreas exteriores generan zonas de calor agradables y constantes gracias a la variedad de sus aplicaciones ya una amplia gama de accesorios. Precisely in outdoor areas they generate pleasant and constant warm zones thanks to the variety of its applications and also to the wide range of accessories. 

Simple installation and the mounting can be done in the ceiling or in the wall. 

The advantages of the infrared heater systems are: 

  • Atractive:
    Nice bright atmosphere. It can be integrated into any environment thanks to a beautiful and compact design.
  • Efficiency:
    Provides heat directly to the person, not the air.
  • Speed:
    No heating phase. Immediately effective heat upon connection.
  • Performance:
    92% of the electricity is converted into heat, approx. € 0.28 operating costs per hour. You can save 50 € the energy savings compared to other heating systems.
  • Flexibility:
    Easy installation. Suitable for mounting on walls, ceilings or tripod. Directional systemsthanks to the adjustale clamp. Suitable for indoor and outdoor spaces. su uso en interiores y exteriores. Maximum mobility thanks to its low weigth. 
  • Clean:
    No by-products, no oxygen consumption. No direct CO2 emissions. When used, no dirt or noise is generated due to air or dust currents.
  • Efective:
    Higher performance with less energy. 
  • Safe:
    The unit is splash proof, made of weatherproof aluminum. The stainless steel front grille  Limit increased glare.
  • Durability:
    5.000 hours of light with constant heating power. 

Because we love expanding spaces!!! 

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