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11/06/2019 0Kommentare
A drawing contest took place where the children of C3 Systems’ staff had to draw what they most liked about the company. The final results are worth sharing.
29/05/2019 0Kommentare
Three days with no rest in one of best international trade shows of windows, door, glass and other related components market.
22/05/2019 0Kommentare
Our export team is currently in Birmingham's FIT SHOW, event of worldwide renown for the window market.
15/05/2019 0Kommentare
The new edition of FIT SHOW, one of the best events for the window, door, flat glass, and components market, is just around the corner. It will take place from May 21st until the 23rd in Birmingham..
30/04/2019 0Kommentare
Para continuar celebrando el 10º aniversario de C3 Systems, la empresa se propuso participar en un reto solidario que consistió en donar sangre para que los profesionales de los servicios de salud puedan tratar enfermos que necesitan ser transfundidos.
23/04/2019 0Kommentare
C3 Systems se enorgullece de patrocinar la VIII Tradicional Caminata San Pascual-Orito de la Barraca Los Yeperos.